Jeremy R Russell was blessed with nice, thick hair. I bet he can hardly get a comb through it after he showers. Barber probably charges him double, huh?
Look, if you’ve been having wet dreams about green candles, Jeremy created 20-Minute Trader for you.
Everybody wants to click buy and sell, and turn a little money into a lot. But there’s a dizzying amount of experts to listen to, and strategies to try. And you only have so much time and capital, right?
Knowing what to do’s like trying to decipher the lyrics from “Bawitdaba” by Kid Rock. Until now, that is.
Read on for 20-Minute Trader reviews.
Jeremy says this could be extra income, taking you one step closer to your dream life every day.
No need to be a pro trader. This course works best for complete beginners – blank slates who won’t overcomplicate things.
What’s that?
You say you’ve got a small bankroll, busy schedule, and you’re easily confused? Perfect!
Jeremy teaches a simple way to profit from trading in just 20 minutes at market open, freeing up the rest of your day.
- Kick it with the fam.
- Travel – palm trees, jet skis.
- Learn guitar, but with your feet.
- Buy your sister a house without wheels.
Or whatever wholesome picture Jeremy paints once you join 20-Minute Trader.
Can you see it?
Every day at 9:30 a.m. EST, you watch charts dance across your laptop, waiting for a few key signals. When they show up, you place a buy order on your phone. Stock goes up, and you sell minutes – or even seconds – later. By 9:50, you’re off to the gym.
I don’t believe a word of it, but Jeremy swears he’s been doing this for three years.
Ah, yes, because if I could make money with two clicks in two seconds, I too would spend my days running an online course. Makes perfect sense.
Why golf when you can film Instagram Reels and create YouTube ads and host coaching calls and answer dumb trading questions all day?
Jeremy’s got a perfectly good explanation, though.
He found a pattern, made money, told his friends, they made money, told their friends – and suddenly poor Jeremy had no choice but to become a guru.
Whatever, bro.

Anyways, we’re dying to know: What’s this pattern?
He says it’s a U or J shape that appears early in the day, playing out over minutes and often repeating.
The first half of the U is the stock price dropping; the second half is the climb back up. After identifying certain criteria, Jeremy claims he can predict the rebound with surprising accuracy.
Since he never knows how high it’ll go, he’s happy to lock in a quick profit… rinse, repeat.
But he’s also figured out when to stay in the trade for even more moolah.
To improve his risk/reward, he uses call options.
If the stock drops, he sells at a small loss. No big deal, since he wins way more than he loses.
Yeah, yeah, good for Jeremy.
Again, if it were me, I would just quietly become a billionaire. But to each their own.
Here’s what 20-Minute Trader has to offer:
- Intro Course (free)
- Live Class (free)
- Predictable Trading Bundle ($7)
- Secret Pattern Masterclass ($997)
- 20-Minute Trader Club ($497/mo)
- 20-Minute Trader Unlimited ($5,997)
All paid programs come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
You already know where I stand.
Watching 1-second charts for two weeks straight to maybe scalp Lululemon for a $29 spread – minus trading fees and short-term capital gains – hardly sounds worth it. Unless you had millions to gamble with.
But that’s the thing. If you did, you’d just invest like regular millionaires: buy the best assets and HODL. Right?
If you ask me?
This feels like one step above “that slot machine hasn’t hit for a while, it’s probably due!”
I’ll stick to what I can control: waking up every day and writing content so good it bullies its way to the top of Google.
Q: Is Jeremy Russell a legit trader or just a smooth marketer?
A: I think we both know the answer to that. Trading scales infinitely, so why hustle courses? Maybe because he’s just so-so at trading but awesome at selling the fantasy.
Q: Has Jeremy every publicly shared his own trading results?
A: Not that I could find. You’d think he’d have some cold, hard proof, wouldn’t you? Trade logs, broker statements, something. But nope, he’s too busy pumping out YouTube ads, Reels, and TikToks, constantly finding new gimmicky ways to sell the idea of trading rather than proving he’s any good at it. His Instagram’s just a bunch of corny skits and marketing hooks. The man’s here to cash in on traders, not trades.
Q: Jeremy Russell net worth?
A: Rich enough that if he’s sick on a weekend, he’s going to urgent care without worrying if it’s covered by Obamacare. Other than that, go beg Jeremy for the exact number.
Q: How do I contact this guy?
A: Do I have to do everything for you? Here:
- Info@20MinTrader.com
Q: Was dude really featured on NBC, ABC, CBS, and Fox News?
A: Not that I could find. So the fact that he slapped it on his website is sketchy as hell.
Q: Does Jeremy have a book?
A: Yep. It’s called How to Be a 20-Minute Trader: An Essential Guide for All Traders in Any Market. In it, Jeremy lays out his approach to capitalizing on small stock price movements using call options, all within a 20-minute daily window. It’s got 32 ratings on Amazon, averaging 4 stars. This review stood out the most: “In the whole book he only gives two charted examples of his system, and in neither is the theory clear.” So, take that how you will.
Q: Is 20-Minute Trader trademarked?
A: It sure is. JR Advance LLC locked that beezy down on December 15, 2020. Bro does business in 5G.
Q: Does homeboy teach forex too?
A: I looked everywhere and saw no mention of forex. Maybe it’s stashed away in mommy’s underwear drawer so prying eyes can’t find it. If not, Jeremey focuses solely on stock options.
Q: Are there any 20-Minute Trader success stories?
A: Yeah, you got the usual screenshots from the Facebook Group and whatnot. For example, Ryan made $6,000 in three weeks following Jeremy’s system. Now he spends more time with bae and the munchkins.
Q: What’s the biggest red flag about Jeremy’s method?
A: Vincent, who left a 1-star review on Trustpilot, put it best: if you could truly learn to make money in 20 minutes, there’d be no reason to keep paying Jeremy. Yet, here we are.
Q: What’s stopping someone from just learning this on YouTube for free?
A: Nothing, honestly. Trading strategies aren’t top secret like the Epstein files. You can find plenty of free videos, guides, and discussions on options trading, price action, risk management, and TA. But Jeremy’s selling a shortcut: the illusion that you can get in and out in 20 minutes and print money. Will you fall for it? Probably.
Q: Refund policy?
A: It’s 30 days, no questions asked. Email Info@20MinuteTrader.com.
Q: Why do 90% of traders lose money?
A: Lack of discipline, no risk management, using too much leverage, chasing hype, getting emotional, and thinking they’re the next Tom Sosnoff – stupid hat, goofy grin, and all – after a couple of lucky wins. The 10% who actually make money? They do the opposite.
Q: Won’t AI get so good at trading that humans won’t stand a chance?
A: I mean, to think AI won’t eventually outtrade some lump of meat mouth-breathing into his screen while trying to spot a cup-and-handle pattern is pretty naive. Then again, AI doesn’t feel greed, panic, or FOMO – the shit that actually moves markets. So, maybe the answer is simple: use AI, just not blindly.
Q: How’s 20-Minute Trader looking on Trustpilot?
A: Excellent: 4.5 stars after 161 reviews, with only a few complaints about scammy unauthorized charges that have since been addressed. Granted, trusting Trustpilot’s like using ‘password123’ for every login. Like, it might work… if the world had no bad actors. Which it doesn’t.
Q: What about Better Business Bureau?
A: Came up empty. BBB had a Jeremy Russell photographer, barber, roofer – even a crime scene cleanup guy – but no sign of Mr. 20-Minute Trader.
Q: Reddit?
A: A few people enrolled expecting snake oil but say it doesn’t feel that way once you’re inside. Not much chatter about actual gains though. Lots of paper trading. One guy lost money overall. Jeremy’s got a God Mode course he pushes once you’re in. I’ll tell you who’s not losing, and that’s J-Dawg.
Q: Wait, so what’s up with this God Mode thing?
A: It’s like a paywall behind a paywall. Once you’re in, there’s an elite-tier upsell that apparently unlocks the real secrets. Again, you gotta ask yourself: if the first course worked so well, why would you need another one?
Q: What’s Jeremy’s real endgame?
A: To keep you in the ecosystem long enough to milk you dry. You know the drill: main course, this software, that tool, upsell, exclusive mastermind, and before you know it, you’re out five figures and still can’t tell a bull flag from a Pride flag, unless it’s being waved by a shirtless man in roller skates who calls everyone ‘darling.’
Q: Any other hidden fees I should know about?
A: You’ll obviously need a brokerage account with enough cash to actually trade, plus software and tools for technical analysis and tracking and whatnot. Then there’s commissions and fees on all of your trades, because brokers gotta eat too.
Q: What’re some 20-Minute Trader alternatives?
A: Jesus. You got me working harder than an ugly stripper on a slow Tuesday. Here you go:
- TIA Crypto
- Invest CEO
- Prime DeFi
- Capital Club
- Monetari Trading
- Stock Navigators
- 5-Minute Investing
- Medallion Investments
Q: What’s something more practical I could do?
A: Shine a ring light on a girl with a dump truck and start selling butt worship content on OnlyFans. Or, y’know, rent little websites like me. Here’s a video on it.