Rebecca Dawn (definitely not her real name) is the creator of Vibe Mentor, an e-learning company that can help you achieve your highest potential.
She wants to know if you’re over the hustle and grind culture. If you’re dying to escape the debt slavery system but maybe you just don’t know how.
Or maybe you do. Maybe you wanna launch your own course or sell products on Amazon.
Heck, maybe you’ve already started, but it feels like there’s this invisible force holding you back.
Keep reading for Vibe Mentor reviews.
According to Rebecca, almost any side hustle can work, assuming you approach it with the right energy.
“But,” she points out, “if you have any type of block living inside of you that believes that you’re not enough or there’s never enough?”
“Or you’re not safe, or it’s not safe to step out and do these things?” she says, her thoughts beginning to meander.
“Or the world is not safe?”
“If you fear rejection and judgement and criticism?”
“If the thought of being seen is creating crippling anxiety in your body?”
“Or if you find that you move through life with hypervigilance?”
“Where you’re constantly trying to white knuckle the steering wheel of life?”
“And keep everything under control?”
“Maybe you’re constantly scanning the world to figure out what problem could potentially happen and what solution do I need to put into place to potentially prevent that from happening or to fix it when it does.”
Rebecca finally takes a breath.
If you struggle with any of these things, she believes you are likely dealing with some sort of program, conditioning, or complex trauma that makes you think this way.
See, the brain’s job isn’t to be your BFF. It’s not there to support you and encourage you and help you slide right into the life of your dreams.
Nope, it’s designed to keep you safe, she explains.
Problem is, that safety becomes a glass ceiling that prevents you from growing, from reaching your potential, from stepping into your purpose.
You were made perfectly imperfect and there is something that you can do better than anyone else on planet earth.
Which is the key that unlocks your abundance birthright.
Facts, Rebecca says.

We are all creators. We all deserve to be wealthy.
But first, ya gotta toss those limiting beliefs in the dumpster behind Panera.
Rebecca would know.
When she was working for the man, she negotiated hundreds of millions of dollars.
You would think she would be confident in her ability to make money. Yet, when she stepped out on her own, she kept fumbling the bag.
Until she discovered something called somatic healing therapies.
“We can know, in one part of our brain, how to do the things we know we need to do,” Rebecca says.
“But our subconscious brain thinks it knows better; that’s it’s not safe to do that.”
“And so you’ll feel like you have this tug of war happening inside of you. It’s kinda the battle of the brains.”
“And we know which one usually wins: that toxic inner critic.”
“So you continue people pleasing and self-sabotaging and settling.”
“But the beautiful, wonderful, good news of the days is: it is possible to heal,” she reassures us.
And somatic healing is the way.
It involves using the body to desensitize these triggers, to calm the nervous system.
So if you have a purpose, if you have a yearning, a desire to make the world a better place, to live a full and rich life with complete freedom?
Then this is what you need: Rebecca’s courses, programs, and mentorship.
Overcoming depression, brainspotting, theta healing, manifesting abundance, 1-on-1 coaching – like the guy on the street corner, she’s got what you need.
Prices range from $20 to $5,000+.
I’d rather ride public transportation without headphones than give a single dollar to this spiritual hippie.