Prime DeFi Review

Dan Coffee

Dan Ryder calls himself DeFi Dan. Looks-wise, if he threw on a blazer and chewed on a toothpick, he’d fit right in at a used car lot.

Then you scroll through his TikTok and Instagram and immediately feel dirty.

It’s mostly just Dan smirking at the camera while overlaid text promises quick riches for no effort.

Eww, nasty. I’ll be power washing my privates if you need me.

No but seriously, what’s this guy about to sell ya… and can you trust him?

Read on for Prime DeFi reviews.

Why Most Courses Suck

There are people right now that are building wealth and tapping into lucrative cash flow opportunities, Dan opens with in the pitch video for his Prosper DeFi Cash Flow System.

They’re doing this from the billions of dollars in cryptocurrency trades happening online every single day.

All without:

  • Becoming day traders
  • Getting involved in complicated crypto mining
  • Or starting a side hustle or business of their own

It’s possible thanks to a new and automated technology called DeFi smart contracts, Dan explains.

The best part?

He and his team have successfully guided hundreds of individuals to profit from this emerging trend.

Are you next?

Be up and running in as little as a few days, Dan promises. Make money whether crypto’s going up, down or sideways. This strategy is virtually untapped, he says.

I can feel God watching this, shaking his head in disapproval.

Dan must’ve felt it too because he just put up a big disclaimer that basically walked back everything he just said.

The only thing Dan will guarantee is that his Prosper System “is simpler and more balanced to get ahead and stay ahead” compared to other courses you may have tried.

Which is why Byron, a Prime DeFi student, who’s hella busy working full time as an engineer, coaching football, and being a father of two, called this “the best opportunity ever.”

Byron was after passive income that didn’t eat into his time.

Cue Dan, pulling up like the UPS guy in khaki shorts, setting that very dream on Byron’s welcome mat before ringing the doorbell and running back to his idling truck to speed off.

DeFi Dan
Why Most Courses Suck

Crypto is here to stay, Dan assures us.

  • Forbes lists bitcoin as the top performing asset.
  • The SEC’s on board, having just approved 11 spot bitcoin ETFs.
  • Billionaires like Larry Fink and Mark Cuban call it a “flight to quality.”

Crypto is how you protect your wealth while the dollar devalues, inflation surges and stocks struggle to get you 8% per year.

Or would you rather be a 75-year-old Walmart greeter?

Yeah, that’s what Dan thought.

And now’s the perfect time to cash in on the crypto boom.

How, exactly? By tapping into highly lucrative, high yield, cash flow opportunities available through DeFi.

David, one of Dan’s Crypto Cashflow Collective members, is floored with the returns he’s seeing just 77 days in.

He just posted in the group about how he’s gonna double his original $5k investment.

Then there’s Gary whose six figure portfolio’s making him a little over $1,500 a week, entirely hands free.

Dan’s as surprised as a sumo wrestler with a wedgie.

“Prosper Success Path is a simple three-step system that’s the closest thing to a push-button plan for generating returns from the crypto market that I’ve ever seen,” he says.

What you’ll be doing, apparently, is providing liquidity, or market making.

It’s the service of making assets available for both buyers and sellers to trade, at market prices, in exchange for a service fee.

Up until recently, only big banks and corporate exchanges like Coinbase and Robinhood could offer this.

But now the little guy can get in on the action.

Dan will show you how inside his Prime DeFi program.

Cost isn’t listed but Dan suggests you have at least $10,000 to throw down as liquidity so you can earn those trading fees.

After hearing him out, I actually do think Dan’s legit and that this can work.

But it also sounds like a rug pull waiting to happen.

Which, I’d rather spend a year in solitary confinement than stomach that kinda risk.

Why Most Courses Suck